Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rome was not built in one day

It all started with the polar bear. The "Planet Earth" (brilliant BBC/Discovery channel show we were watching while on vacation) polar bear who swims until he is completely exhausted, unable to find solid ice to hunt seals from. I'll spare you the gut wrenching details, but eventually, he curls up to die of starvation. I will not go peacefully forward from this moment unchanged. I will go home from this vacation and mount a polar bear on my bicycle and set out to do things differently. This is my inner call to arms, so to speak; strong tan arms which can bike 5.5 miles each way to tomorrow's play date rather than take the car. 11 lbs of CO2. That's what my car trip to the playground is worth. The inner debate is fierce:
usual self: "You have two small kids. This is dangerous. You'll be so tired. It's gonna be really hot tomorrow. What if you get there and don't have the strength to get home? (how embarrassing.) What if it rains? etc. etc."
inspired radical self: "What a great message to send the world; that it isn't all about personal convenience, that you are willing to lay something on the line to make change happen. You will be safe, you are a great biker, you are strong, you can do it! There's only one way to find out... etc. etc.

This is the debate raging within. How fierce am I? How willing? Am I as ready for change as I claim to be? My high school creative writing teacher was adamant about one thing: SHOW don't TELL. I must show myself what lies beyond the comfort zone, and perhaps then I can show others as well. Perhaps it will be as exhilarating as that first day back from vacation, biking 6 miles to take my preschooler to a friend's house instead of using the car. 6 lbs of CO2. The wind on my face, the rhythm of my breath as I climbed the steepest hill... Don't let that ice be melting so fast on my account. I can do things different. Somethings, anythings. I can start here, right now, planning my day tomorrow without my car.

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